Laser Therapy
Why You Should Consider Laser Therapy
Part of the clinical dentist’s toolkit for over 30 years, laser therapy is used to complement various dental procedures, helping to increase efficiency and boost positive results.
An effective sterilizer, laser therapy can reduce bacteria ahead of regular cleanings and can also decontaminate treated areas after deep scaling and root planning procedures. In addition, the therapy can highlight newly formed cavities and even help combat temperature sensitivity (pain from eating or drinking something that’s either very hot or very cold).
Laser therapy likewise provides a helpful solution to a condition known as “gummy smile” in which gums stretch too far across a tooth’s surface. During this treatment, lasers are employed to remove excess gum tissue and “clean up” your natural smile. Still more laser treatments include ulcer and cold sore relief, whitening acceleration, and even benign growth removal.
While the word “laser” (“light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”) might sound scary––especially for someone in the dentist’s chair––dental laser therapy is officially sanctioned by the FDA when administered by a trained professional like Dr. Hadadi and her hygienist, Emily. Patients at Candid Smiles will be provided with protective gear to shield against laser emissions, and our laser therapies can sometimes be a more practical option for our patients, as lasers can cut back on bleeding and reduce overall recovery times.